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Welcome to Shrimpy Academy, where you can discover and keep up with the emerging world of decentralized finance. Whether you’re looking to learn more about crypto portfolio rebalancing, indexing strategies, in-depth market analysis, profitable backtesting strategies, social trading, or anything else about the cryptocurrency market, Shrimpy has got you covered.

Illustration of two people shaking hands in front of crypto icons

Latest News & Resources

Stay up to date with what's happening in the world of cryptocurrency with our latest articles focused on featured news, exchange reviews, educational courses, and more!


What Is Pancakeswap?

Binance Smart Chain’s elusive PancakeSwap became quite popular among DeFi investors, reaching a level where it competes against traditional DEX options like Uniswap and SushiSwap. Did PancakeSwap rightfully earn its fame and if so, how?

Last updated:

June 15, 2023


What is Yearn Finance?

What is Yearn Finance and what makes it the best yield farming protocol in town? Andre Cronje’s creation has progressed far in the world of decentralized finance and many believe that his ecosystem will flip most of DeFi.

Last updated:

June 15, 2023


What Is Web3 and How Does It Work?

Web3 represents the future of the internet, a future in which everyday users create, share, and own the content they create. Take a few minutes to learn more about what's next for the internet and how crypto plays a part in its future.

Last updated:

June 15, 2023


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From Zero to Crypto Hero

ebook: A Beginner's Guide to Trading Crypto

We've produced an all-in-one guide for beginners ready to make their first crypto trade. In this comprehensive, 90+ page ebook, you will learn psychological tactics to master your fears, read and analyze price charts, determine chart patterns and trading indicators, and execute your vision on the path to becoming an expert crypto trader.

Academy Courses

Crypto can be chaotic. If you’re unsure where to begin, our linear courses will guide you to mastery one step at a time


Crypto Investing Guide: Fundamental Analysis

Not interested in trading? That's fine. Focus on long-term success by learning how to invest in assets that are backed by real value rather than hype.


Guide to Cryptocurrency Trading Bots

Cryptocurrency trading bots are helpful tools that enable investors to automate their trading activities and gain an upper hand in the market. Complete this course to learn how they work and how to choose a trading bot.


Advanced Guide to Trading Cryptocurrencies

It's time to up the ante. Investigate crypto trading in-depth by learning about stop losses, order types, leverage trading, and much more.


New Market Research

We've analyzed hundreds of thousands of crypto portfolios and done extensive analysis to answer all your pressing questions like: which performs better, periodic or threshold rebalancing;
how do bear and bull crypto markets impact different investment strategies; how many assets should my crypto portfolio have; or how often should I be rebalancing?

Market Research

The Effects of Trading Fees on Threshold Rebalancing

Threshold rebalancing is a popular crypto strategy that involves a high trading activity. Find out how different trading fees affect the performance of your threshold strategy.
Market Research

Crypto Investors That Diversify Perform Better: A Bull Market Analysis

Diversification and rebalancing have a positive impact on portfolio performance. Discover which portfolio sizes and rebalancing periods are the best.
Market Research

Crypto Exchanges and Rebalancing Performance: A Trading Fee Analysis

Want to optimize your threshold rebalancing strategy? Find out which crypto exchanges offer the best performance based on their trading fees!

Popular Videos

Select videos pulled from Shrimpy’s YouTube channel


Community plays a big part in crypto; we believe it’s important to know its leaders.
Here are the people you should know about.

About Shrimpy

Shrimpy is an automated portfolio management platform that helps cryptocurrency investors manage their capital through the use of a simple and intuitive app that saves time and money with the power of automation.

To find out more about our platform and discover how it can jumpstart your crypto journey, feel free to visit our main website.

Crypto Investing on Autopilot

Shrimpy Advisory offers you a simple way to get started investing in cryptocurrencies. Shrimpy does all buying, selling, and research so you can relax and enjoy the things that matter to you. Sign up today and get $20!